Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Your Ebola comes with a free frogurt

I was listening to NPR on my way to work today, the news report was about a recent Ebola outbreak in DR Congo. The reporter said "some good news out of the outbreak, a pregnant Ebola patient gave birth. She died but the baby survived. The infant has Ebola." WTF!! How is that good news??
Here is how it all went down:
Radio: Some good news out of the outbreak, a pregnant Ebola patient gave birth
Me: aahhh J
Radio: She died
Me: ohh L
Radio: but the baby survived.
Me: aahhh J
Radio: The infant has Ebola.
Me: WTF??

I felt like I was in that Simpsons scene where Homer buys a cursed Krusty doll:
An Ebola patient gave birth today.  That’s good!  The woman died.  That’s bad.  Her baby survived. That's good!  The baby has Ebola. That's bad. But the Ebola comes with a free frogurt.  That’s good.  The frogurt has Ebola.  That’s bad.  But you get your choice of topping. That's good. The toppings contain potassium benzoate. 0_o That's bad. …Can I go now?

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