Friday, September 14, 2012

School friends outside of school

Tonight I went to see a play with a schoolmate and her friend.  I've found that since I've started working on revisions of my dissertation and since the students a year ahead of me have graduated and moved on, I've been a lot more open to hanging out with schoolmates outside of school.  I'm a really private person and generally don't like mixing my two worlds, but now I feel a lot more at ease mixing my two worlds.  I don't know what triggered any of this but for some reason I'm just more relaxed.  I had a great time at the play and last week I went watched Robot & Frank (go see the movie!) with schoolmates too and really enjoyed myself.  I think I'm also just happier in general, I guess it's not having to worry about writing a dissertation from scratch that has taken a load off my shoulders.

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