Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Erroneous linking of Norwegian attacks to Islam was ‘revealing’ – UN rights expert. Click title for link to original article.

From the article:
“The way in which some public commentators immediately associated the horrifying mass murder in Norway last Friday with Islamist terrorism is revealing and indeed an embarrassing example of the powerful impact of prejudices and their capacity to enshrine stereotypes.
“Proper respect for the victims and their families should have precluded the drawing of conclusions based on pure conjecture.”
At least 75 people have died as a result of twin attacks – an explosion in the centre of the capital, Oslo, and a shooting at a nearby island where a youth camp was taking place.
Many initial media reports focused on Norway’s contribution of troops to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and implied that may be connected to the bombing and shooting. Yet the suspect in the massacre is a non-Muslim.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Sometimes you just have to let go...

I haven't written in awhile, but I have been meaning to write this post for the past few weeks now. Earlier this month I did a high ropes challenge course where my friend and I and other participants 1) walked across a cable 30' in the air reaching for 4 ropes dangling from above, the ropes were spaced far enough where we couldn't just grab one while holding on to the other, 2) walked across a log 35' in the air and met with our partner in the middle and switched places while trying to keep our balance (trying is the operative word), 3) climbed up a telephone pole 40' in the air and climbed on to a narrow platform and jumped for a ring dangling in the air, and 4) climbed up a cargo net to get to a 50' rock wall.