Sunday, September 2, 2012


This post is about the AMC show Breaking Bad.  If you have not seen up to season 5 episode 8 this post will contain spoilers.

Well final-fucking-ly, Hank knows!  About damn time!  Prior to the last scene, where Hank discovers Walt's secret, I thought Walt was not serious about what he told Skylar about getting out of the game.  But...after that scene with Hank, I'm beginning to think Walt was actually serious, what shitty luck would it be to finally get out of the meth game only to have your DEA brother-in-law discover that you're Heisenberg.  Walt, you poor egotistical are you going to get yourself out of this one?  Can't wait for the second part of Season 5 (or Season 6 as I call it).  It's cruel to make us wait until next year to finish the last 8 episodes.

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