Sunday, June 19, 2011

Busy Bee

It's summertime, time to catch up on things (fun and work) I haven't been able to do during the semester. Relax a bit. But it seems that ever since summer started I've been running around trying to cram in enough fun and work to make up for what I wasn't able to fit in during the school year because of quals, the big conference, and my advisor. I started a one month unlimited yoga pass at a local studio for the month of June. I've been trying so hard to balance yoga, work, research, fun, friends, family, etc. that I just miss the lazy days when I would just lounge about the house watching episode after episode on Netflix or go to a friend's house and just hang out. I mean I suppose I can just NOT go to yoga, but I also really like it, it's calming and relaxing. I guess just a lot happened this week and this weekend, I had a lot of parties and events to go to for various birthdays and prior obligations as well as family "issues" that come up. And then there are all the friends who want to hang out more this summer for various reasons. On top of all that I finally heard back regarding a couple projects I had been working and I was asked to give a guest lecture later in the month/early next month. So I've just really been feeling the pressure to make time for everything that now I'm just completely exhausted. And there's still yoga to go to tonight and revisions to finish for tomorrow and more revisions to finish for Tuesday. I have noticed that I've been feeling more stressed since I've started slacking on my schedule and list making. I should start that up again tonight for this coming week.