Thursday, September 27, 2012

The New Normal

I watched the new episode of The New Normal on Hulu today.  I've like the show from it's first airing, but I'm not too crazy about the lead actress.  I can't quite place my finger on it, but there's something about her acting, specifically when she looks surprised or sad.  She tries too hard to be a sugary sweet blonde, I'm not convinced.  I think she's too meek.  Hopefully her character will grow throughout the course of the show, she has already changed some, moving out to California, moving out of her grandmother's house, but she's changing too slowly in my opinion.  The two gay characters, on the other hand, are hilarious!  At first I didn't like the sillier one (it's a new show, so I don't remember names yet) much, but then he started to grow on me, I think his character is my favorite.  I like when the grandmother and the silly one play off of each other.

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