Sunday, September 16, 2012

Weeds series finale

Finally!  Weeds is over!  The series finale was rather disappointing.  I didn't like the whole skipping forward 7 years aspect of it.  I mean it did tie everything together, so that was good.  But it was so anti-climactic!  I'm glad Nancy didn't end up messing up everyone's lives (except Shane...but really the boy was gone after he killed Pilar).  The show started going downhill after third season or so anyway; the only reason I watched this season was because I knew it was going to be last and just felt I should stick through one more season since I had watched all the others.  So, I guess it's not surprising that the last episode was barely mediocre.  I felt that they introduced too many new story lines in the last season, especially in the last two episodes leading up to the finale.  The writers should have really taken that time to brings things to an end instead of skipping ahead 7 years and not dealing with resolving anything on camera.

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