Monday, September 17, 2012

Christmas time is here!…I wish :-/

The semester has barely started and already I can't wait for Winter Break. I can't wait for all the Christmas lights and Christmas trees, everyone being in a better mood, eating popcorn by the fire.  I'm already thinking about what to get people. I'm usually done with all, or practically all, of my shopping by Black Friday weekend. I HATE going to the mall on Christmas Eve, it's madness, so I try to get everything done early; that way I don't forget anyone and I save time and money. I think I like Christmas so much because I've been in school my whole life so it's three weeks of not going to campus and not working…well as a PhD student you do work during Christmas break but it's on your own schedule and it's understood that you won't be as productive as summer because of all the holidays there's a lot of time spent with friends and family. And I don't hear from my advisor as much!! Joy to the world!
"Christmas is awesome. First of all you get to spend time with people you love. Secondly, you can get drunk and no one can say anything. Third, you give presents. What’s better than giving presents? And fourth, getting presents. So, four things. Not bad for one day. It’s really the greatest day of all time" ~Michael Scott, The Office
And a classic Simpsons moment:

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