Monday, September 24, 2012

Discovered! New species, called homo academicus

Oh boy, where to start!  I might need to re-visit my anthropological essay on the strange species, known as academics.  I observed so much today while I was amongst these strange creatures,  I need to add it all to my essay.  Most hysterical of the day, in an effort to save money on food costs, ASS #1 decided to buy food for 27 people from Trader Joe's and Farmers Market...even buying exotic fruits, like dragon fruit.  Breakfast, snacks, and lunch for two days could have cost only $31 per person for two days if ASS #1 had gone with a catering service instead, it's costing closer to $100 and dinner is an additional $48/person.  Not to mention all the time ASS #1 put into shopping for the food and preparing it as well as the another graduate student and I spent setting things up.  Oh, and since ASS #1 is a perfectionist they also had to micromanage everything that was being set-up, so that was also distracting and an inefficient use of time, money, and emotional and mental energy on their part.  Also, annoying as hell for the other graduate student and me.

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