Sunday, September 9, 2012

List all the qualities you love about being human

I love lists, they are relaxing and free up your mind, because once it's written down on a list you can forget about it.  So, should come as no surprise that I bought a list book, called List Yourself, a few months ago.  I've started to fill it out here and there and today I came across an interesting topic, "List all the qualities you love about being human".  So here goes:

  1. Pre-frontal cortex
  2. Ability to control and change our behavior and impulses
  3. Opposable thumbs
  4. Ingenuity
  5. Compassion
  6. Empathy not only towards our own species but towards other species as well
  7. Altruism
  8. Ability to regulate domicile temperatures
  9. Ability to read and write and communicate complex thoughts
  10. The multitude of languages we have
  11. Being top of the food chain, it's nice to not have to worry about being eaten
  12. Music, theater, movies, art
  13. Our food
  14. All our diverse cultures
  15. Our health, we are relatively parasite free compared to other animals
  16. Understanding and not being afraid of natural occurrences (i.e. thunder and lightening, earthquakes, fire, etc.)
  17. Group cohesion
Well, I can't really think of anything else and almost everything I listed is really related to our prefrontal cortex.  Most of the things I listed are also a double edged sword and are also contribute to the things I hate most about humans.  We are equally capable of so much good and bad both as individuals and as groups.

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