Sunday, October 9, 2011

Catch-up...or ketchup?

It's been awhile since my last post. What has happened since? Well, recently I used one of those group deals for a shotgun training session and 100 clay pigeons for two people. A friend (male, this will be important later) and I split the deal and we each got 50 clay target, 50 shells, 2 shotguns, and 2 short (and I mean short) training sessions... oh and a pizza and a pitcher of beer (which we substituted for soda). Just to put your minds at ease, let me say that the deal clearly stated that alcohol could only be consumed after the shooting portion. Now, as a researcher, I found the whole culture of a shooting range very interesting.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

New Fall Line-up!

Can't wait for September 23!

Gossip Girl 8-9 PM CW

MAYBE: 90210 8-9 PM CW
Ringer 9-10 PM CW

Vampire Diaries 8-9 PM CW
MAYBE: The Secret Circle 9-10 PM CW

Nikita 8-9 PM CW
Supernatural 9-10 PM CW

The Simpsons 8-8:30 PM Fox
Family Guy 9-9:30 PM Fox
American Dad 9:30-10 PM Fox

Friday, August 12, 2011

Some people just aren't worth it...

A string of texts between a friend and me. My two initial texts were sent at 19:22 and 22:10. Friend's first text was sent at 23:33. Everything ended at 1:56. When reading this keep in mind that I am the one picking my friend up (who lives in the opposite direction of the climbing gym) and dropping my friend off (I have to drive past my house to drop my friend off). Also, keep in mind that my friend doesn't work nor go to school. Well now, I should be fair, my friend does still leave their name on a temp agency's list :) And if you're wondering how an adult can afford to not work and not make money, well that friend lives with, and off of, their parent.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


I bought a one month rock climbing Groupon and recently cashed it in. It was one of those deals that you could do with a friend... although you could have also used both monthly passes for yourself. I decided to use it with a friend for the cost sharing benefits. Little did I know (or maybe deep down I knew all along) that although I saved some money, I lost a part of my friendship.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Erroneous linking of Norwegian attacks to Islam was ‘revealing’ – UN rights expert. Click title for link to original article.

From the article:
“The way in which some public commentators immediately associated the horrifying mass murder in Norway last Friday with Islamist terrorism is revealing and indeed an embarrassing example of the powerful impact of prejudices and their capacity to enshrine stereotypes.
“Proper respect for the victims and their families should have precluded the drawing of conclusions based on pure conjecture.”
At least 75 people have died as a result of twin attacks – an explosion in the centre of the capital, Oslo, and a shooting at a nearby island where a youth camp was taking place.
Many initial media reports focused on Norway’s contribution of troops to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and implied that may be connected to the bombing and shooting. Yet the suspect in the massacre is a non-Muslim.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Sometimes you just have to let go...

I haven't written in awhile, but I have been meaning to write this post for the past few weeks now. Earlier this month I did a high ropes challenge course where my friend and I and other participants 1) walked across a cable 30' in the air reaching for 4 ropes dangling from above, the ropes were spaced far enough where we couldn't just grab one while holding on to the other, 2) walked across a log 35' in the air and met with our partner in the middle and switched places while trying to keep our balance (trying is the operative word), 3) climbed up a telephone pole 40' in the air and climbed on to a narrow platform and jumped for a ring dangling in the air, and 4) climbed up a cargo net to get to a 50' rock wall.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Busy Bee

It's summertime, time to catch up on things (fun and work) I haven't been able to do during the semester. Relax a bit. But it seems that ever since summer started I've been running around trying to cram in enough fun and work to make up for what I wasn't able to fit in during the school year because of quals, the big conference, and my advisor. I started a one month unlimited yoga pass at a local studio for the month of June. I've been trying so hard to balance yoga, work, research, fun, friends, family, etc. that I just miss the lazy days when I would just lounge about the house watching episode after episode on Netflix or go to a friend's house and just hang out. I mean I suppose I can just NOT go to yoga, but I also really like it, it's calming and relaxing. I guess just a lot happened this week and this weekend, I had a lot of parties and events to go to for various birthdays and prior obligations as well as family "issues" that come up. And then there are all the friends who want to hang out more this summer for various reasons. On top of all that I finally heard back regarding a couple projects I had been working and I was asked to give a guest lecture later in the month/early next month. So I've just really been feeling the pressure to make time for everything that now I'm just completely exhausted. And there's still yoga to go to tonight and revisions to finish for tomorrow and more revisions to finish for Tuesday. I have noticed that I've been feeling more stressed since I've started slacking on my schedule and list making. I should start that up again tonight for this coming week.

Friday, February 11, 2011


I recently went to a Buddhist center with a friend just to check it out and get a better understanding of Buddhism. I have always liked Eastern teachings and Buddhist philosophy but I wanted a deeper understanding. I'm not sure this community center was the right thing for me though... the people seemed too fanatical and said a couple of things I didn't agree with: 1) other sects are "wrong" 2) and people in the "wrong" sects need to be converted. I have never thought that anyone should force their beliefs on others. I don't believe religion is for everyone. We each have our own way of dealing with difficulties in life and for some religion is the best way to deal with problems.