Friday, September 7, 2012

How rude!

It is so rude to make plans to meet up with friends for dinner at say 7:30 (not that I have a particular incident in mind.  Of course not!) and then at 7:30 text to say you will be there at 8:30 and then text again at 8:30 saying you decided to take a short nap after work and overslept so you haven't even left the house yet.  And to do this twice in one week!  Either go to bed earlier so you don't have to take a "short nap" after work every day or set your fucking alarm!  That friend is always late!  At first we all thought it was because of her douchebag boyfriend but she's still chronically late even after their breakup.  From now she's either not invited to things or if I invite her I'll tell her to be there an hour earlier than the actual time.  Hmm...that means no group invites on Facebook...darn!

I will leave you with a montage of the immortal words of Stephanie Tanner:

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