Monday, December 31, 2012

Good-bye 2012

So I managed to finish to all my errands for today so I can leave 2012 with a completed to-do list!  And a belly full of yummy sushi :)  I think if I were to have a last meal I ask for the most hard to find fish and have that as sushi.  Then while they're out looking for the fish, I can make my escape, a la Dwight Schrute:

Ok, apparently Dwight has two scenarios for his last meal but I can't find the one where he says he'll ask for the rarest truffle (or something) and while they're out looking for it he'll make his escape, but this one that I found it c-r-a-z-y:

And for something completely crazy, the 10 most elaborate death-row meals:

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Winter 2013 TV Schedule

Bold indicates when the shows comeback from their breaks.

Revolution 10/NBC 3/25

8pm: Hart of Dixie CW 1/15
8:30pm: Ben & Kate FOX 1/8
9pm: New Girl FOX 1/8, Go On NBC 1/8, Happy Endings ABC 1/8
9:30pm: The New Normal NBC 1/8, Don't Trust the B in Apt 23 ABC 1/6 & 1/8

8pm: Arrow CW 1/16
8:30pm: The Neighbors ABC 1/9
9pm: Supernatural CW 1/16, Psych USA 2/27, Modern Family ABC 1/9
9:30pm: Suburgatory ABC 1/9

8pm: Vampire Diaries CW 1/17
9pm: Office NBC 1/10

9pm: Nikita CW 1/18, Grimm NBC 3/8

6pm: Walking Dead AMC 2/10
8pm: Once Upon a Time 8/ABC 1/6
?: Don't Trust the B in Apt 23 ABC 1/6 & 1/8

Saturday, December 29, 2012


I know where I want to live! Now all I need is $2-$4million to purchase a home in that neighborhood :-/

Friday, December 28, 2012

Old age sucks

We should have a lights out switch when we reach a certain age where we just drop dead, like a toy with no batteries. Just stop. The end. No horrible deterioration. Just done.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Tales from the driver's seat

This is the second time that I've seen the police driving in a zig-zag pattern on the freeway to slow down traffic.  Only difference between this time and the last, was that this time the police made us all come to a complete stop on the freeway for a good few min before letting us drive at the speed limit again.  I wonder why they do this.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

It's that time again

Yes, ladies and gents, it's my Monty Python and the Holy Grail kick again.  You can thank one of my friends for giving to me for Christmas.  Now, I can watch it whenever I want, hehehehe!  This is always a fun clip:

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone!  It's a popcorn, hot chocolate, Christmas light viewing day!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas time with the birds and the bees

Some people really have a hard accepting that others have different opinions than theirs.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Grad school, not for the weak!

I had a friend tell me that he/she was worried about me, about how I would "cope after graduating" because I've been in academia for so long...given everything I've had to cope with while being a doctoral student, and the shear mental strength and willpower one needs to even complete this process...I think I'll be able to cope with whatever life wants to through at me.

Grad school, it's not for the faint of heart. (See reason 84

Friday, December 21, 2012

The end is...still not here

In the immortal words of Comicbook Guy from The Simpsons:
December 21, 2012 3:12 AM Pacific time passed with nary a whisper.  Who will take up the role of prophesying the end of the world next?

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Burn Notice: Schmidt how will you screw up the season finale?

Given Schmidt's track record with royally screwing over our main characters I'm just wondering what wonderfully ulcer creating shenanigans the writers will conjure up for Schmidt tomorrow night.

Some thoughts:
1. Schmidt will rat on them to the CIA or set then up. I saw that look in his eyes when he and Michael were talking at the end of last week's episode.
2. Schmidt won't be able to do the simple task of following Michael's instructions not will he be able to remember his lines.
3. Schmidt will leave some evidence/clue lying around a la Maddy a couple weeks ago.
4.The guy they pissed off last week will give their passport info to the CIA so they can be tracked an found before leaving. Yes, this is Schmidt's fault.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Being the bigger person

Sometimes I hate being the bigger person because the other person doesn't know you're being the bigger person and if you tell them and point out exactly how you're being the bigger person, you cease to be the bigger person :(  I want to eat my cake and have it too, dagnabbit!  It's not fair!  Ok, feet-stomping pout over.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Gossip Girl Series Finale SPOILER!!!!!!

Gossip Girl Series Finale SPOILER!!!!!!

Gossip Girl Series Finale Countdown!!!

Aaaahhhhh!!!!!!!!  We're going to find out who Gossip Girl really is in 2.5 hours!!!!!!!!  East Coast people are finding out right now!!! :(  Bastards!  I stand by my guess of Dan.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Bob's Burger: God Rest Ye Merry Gentle-Mannequins

Bob's family does a spectacular job of screwing him over most of the time, but sometimes, Bob does a bang up job of it all by himself!  Tonight, ladies and gents, was one of those nights.  Ah Bobby Bobby Bobby, you had such a great thing going with the window dressing, but then you had to go and open your big mouth and hurt Chet's feelings, leading him to do the predictable, ruining the big Christmas Eve window dressing.  But, your kids saved your ass and the window display.

P.S. Louise knows a lot about sex toys for an 8 year old.

lol I just found this, it's great! ( 

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Friday, December 14, 2012


I watched the Hobbit today.  I'd forgotten how creepy golem was!  The special effects were good but the movie wasn't very exciting, probably because it was the first of three; the other two should be more exciting.  I did like all the songs in the movie!  Ugh, but I hate the bird poo on Radagast's head.  Overall, good start to the trilogy.

Poopie head (literally), Radagast the Brown

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Burn Notice: Damn Schmidt!!

WTH!!!!!!!  Seriously????!!!!!!!  He messed up 4 times during 3 missions!!  If he screws up one more time Michael better kill him or I'll stop watching the show!  I'm with Fiona, it was Schmidt's mess, he should have cleaned it up.  Why couldn't he just wait until Michael and company were in Argentina?!  Stupid Schmidt.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Notes from the Ivory Tower

The following is an actual e-mail transcript between student and professor.  The names and events have been changed to preserve the privacy of the individuals.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Annabel Lee by Edgar Allan Poe

Poe is surprisingly uplifting at the end of his poems...or am I just really morbid??

Annabel Lee

It was many and many a year ago,
   In a kingdom by the sea,
That a maiden there lived whom you may know
   By the name of Annabel Lee;
And this maiden she lived with no other thought
   Than to love and be loved by me. 

Monday, December 10, 2012

Bob's Burger: The Unbearable Like-Likeness of Gene

I watched Sunday's episode of Bob's Burger on Hulu today, and his family wasn't awful to him this time.  Surprising!  Lin was hilarious though with her vegetable and fruit skin diet, especially at the birthday party when she started licking frosting saying it was "cake skin".  Why do the writers insist on having men voice the female characters (except for Louise)???  It's just creepy.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

For Annie by Edgar Allan Poe

Thank Heaven! the crisis,
      The danger, is past,
And the lingering illness
      Is over at last—
And the fever called "Living"
      Is conquered at last.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Bells by Edgar Allan Poe

Edgar Allen Poe: The Bells 


Hear the sledges with the bells -
Silver bells!
What a world of merriment their melody foretells!
How they tinkle, tinkle, tinkle,
In the icy air of night!
While the stars that oversprinkle
All the heavens, seem to twinkle
With a crystalline delight;
Keeping time, time, time,
In a sort of Runic rhyme,
To the tintinnabulation that so musically wells
From the bells, bells, bells, bells,
Bells, bells, bells -
From the jingling and the tinkling of the bells.

Friday, December 7, 2012


It's been a long but productive week.  I can't wait to relax with my backlog of shows on Hulu.  Awww, the weekend!

Yes, that's Balki and khozin Larry 

And, just cuz I'm in a Perfect Strangers mood all of a sudden:

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Burn Notice: Schmidt is a dumbass

Seriously, Schmidt is getting annoying.  He messed up three times in two missions!  That's got to be a record!  I think Mike and the gang would be better off on a raft to Cuba than with Schmidt.

Poor Maddy, getting her life turned upside down by Riley.  It's nice that Riley is an enemy whose skill is en par with Mike, Fi, Jesse, and Sam's.  For once they have a formidable foe.

Speaking of Fi, I loved her comment about Sam, "Sam, you brilliant bastard"...surprised looks from Mike and Jesse... Fi: "I'll never admit I said that."  And Barry's comment to Maddy, "Your family is like a venereal disease, the gift that keeps on giving."

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Supernatural mid-season final

Not much of a cliff hanger...I was half expecting Crowley to have gotten a hold of Amelia.  So, if Sam left Amelia...who was that woman he was in bed with at the beginning of the season?  Overall, I really liked the episode, it showed us another side to Benny and the Benny-Dean-Sam triangle.  I'm also glad that Martin got his comeuppance at the end of the episode.  I like Benny as a character!  He could be a good ally...also a good person to stab Dean in the back and let him down like everyone else, including his brother, has... I'm a glass is half-empty person when it comes to the Winchesters.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

My mom, the teenager

My mom is officially addicted to her iPad.  I gave her my Netflix password, since I don't have time to watch it until the end of the semester, and I taught her how to play draw something.  She's constantly on that thing now.  She's become an American teenager.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Gossip Girl...only 2 more episodes left!!!

I think Dan is Gossip Girl.  I never considered that he could be Gossip Girl until tonight, the whole "I'm going to reveal everything" and typing up the final chapter made me suspicious.  I wonder if the last episode will have crazy high ratings because they're going to finally reveal who Gossip Girl is. 

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Bob's Burger: Tina-saurus Wrecks

Ok, seriously.  What the hell is wrong with Bob's family!!  That man deserves the best father award.  I don't know how he continues loving his family.  Especially that Tina.  Actually scratch that, they are all demon spawns.  But Tina is some kind of special.  How do you hit a parked car in a parking lot that only has one other car??????????  Bob should have taken control of the steering wheel.  He gave a monkey a loaded gun and it killed someone.  Can't really blame the monkey for that.

Oh, and then there was Lin's diarrhea song...unfortunately I haven't been able to find it on YouTube.

And Louise's best quote of the night:
Tina: I had a horrible week.
Louise: You had a horrible week?!  You got to crash a car and burn down a house!  What did I get to do?  Nothin'!

UPDATE:  I found Lin's diarrhea song!!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

When parents get toys that are too complicated for them

I had lunch with my mom and one of her friends today.  Her friend is thinking of getting an iPad and asked me what apps I put on my mom's iPad.  I said I put her bank, credit card, Netflix, and solitaire, and I don't remember the rest.  She said "so you bookmarked the bank and credit card company as favorites"...I was like, wow, I don't even know where to begin explaining apps to you...  I said, no I downloaded the app.  Then she asked me why did I download those apps since you can just go online and access your accounts, I told it's just faster and easier that way.  She said, "so it's like a favorites in your bookmarks"...again, I didn't know how to begin explaining it to her.  I just told her, "no, it's an app, it's an icon on the screen".  What I wanted to say was, look lady, I already have parents I need to explain this shit to, get one of your children to explain it to you, I can only deal with one set of parents being technologically handicapped.

Friday, November 30, 2012

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Today was spent just Christmas shopping, I went to five stores and, aside from the stuff I need to order from Amazon, I'm almost done with my shopping :)  It's kind of late for me, I'm usually done by Black Friday.  I think I only have three more stores to go for shopping...and two of them are in the same shopping mall.  I hate shopping when it gets close to Christmas, the malls get so busy, parking is terrible, people are frantic.  I have friend who loves shopping on Christmas eve...psycho.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Burn Notice: Down and Out

Oh my god, why do Michael Weston's clients refuse to listen to him?!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Looney Tunes, Supernatural style

Hilarious Supernatural episode, with classic Looney Tunes gags and cartoon physics!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Stick bombs!!

After watching the stick bomb making video, I've really had this urge to to buy tongue depressor sticks and make a rudimentary stick bomb.  I guess I've got my weekend project planned out!...That and holiday shopping... I'm usually done by Black Friday, but this year I didn't even go black Friday shopping, didn't really want anything.

Monday, November 26, 2012


1000 page views!!!!!

In honor of this event, I have included links to information about famous 1000's:

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Classic shows

I've been watching my Get Smart box set.  That got me thinking about all the classic shows like Get Smart, I Love Lucy, Bewitched, I Dream of Genie, which got me thinking about sitcoms created in my life time and which one of those will be considered classics.  So here is the list I came up with so far:

Friday, November 23, 2012

Nom nom

New vegan favorite food: toast, earth balance, and nutritional yeast. Best thing ever!

Thursday, November 22, 2012


Thanksgiving was surprisingly not that bad this year...
Also, I tried making vegan and gluten side dishes, they were really tasty! Except for the vegan mac and cheese...fake cheese just doesn't have the same good taste as really cheese.  I really liked the sweet potatoes.  Here are the recipes I used:

Olive oil mashed potatoes, I added roasted garlic and dried tarragon.  I like some skin in my mashed potatoes, so I didn't peel all of the potatoes:

Green bean casserole:

Sweet Potatoes, I didn't puree the sweet potatoes, I cut them into rounds:

Gravy, I ran out of almond milk, so I used half almond milk and half coconut milk:

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


My favorite Thanksgiving quote so far is from the new show, The Neighbors:

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Oh happy day

So turns out that e-mail wasn't meant for me even though I was included in it. The e-mail was really meant for another student, but my advisor didn't want to single that student out so sent a group e-mail instead. In fact, I got a "I'm not worried about you." !!!!!!!!! :) :) Also, I got good feedback at the lab meeting. :) Nice way to kick off the holiday!

Monday, November 19, 2012

If an ass goes traveling, he will not come home a horse

ASS #1 sent a panicked, pathetic, and desperate e-mail.  Perhaps ASS #1 is taking their frustrations out on all students because one student has been more absent.  Whatever the reason... here is the e-mail:

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Bob's Burger: An Indecent Thanksgiving Proposal

Wow!!  I really think this year's Thanksgiving episode of Bob's Burger is the craziest episode ever.  And if you've ever watched Bob's Burger, you know that's really saying a lot.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

A Haiku to Pretzels

I was at a meeting today and saw a dish marked soft pretzels, I eagerly lifted the lid thinking a pretzel would be there...but nope...nada... :(  The following haiku describes by experience:

Pretzel I craved
I removed the lid and found
Disappointment there

Friday, November 16, 2012

I think I can

I'm plan ing in graduating in May and I still have to fix-up my chapters and defend before April. I thought it was doable but today some people are making me think it's not. I'll prove them wrong! I hope…

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Home, home on the range

Today I had antelope meat for the first time. The meat was tough and dense but surprisingly tasty. I stand by what I said earlier though about kangaroo meat being the best meat ever. Period.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Supernatural: A Little Slice of Kevin

Tonight's Supernatural was great!  It had Dean, Cass, Kevin, Kevin's mom kicking ass, Dean, good plot, Cass back in full on Angel mode, flashbacks to purgatory, and oh did I mention Dean.

But...why did Kevin leave the damn tablet on the table???!!!!  Why don't people take things with them??!!!  Especially things that are so important!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Irresponsible people...

I don't understand how some people can be so irresponsible.  A fellow student is  receive a teaching award and invited me to the ceremony...turns out that student has a presentation, a two-hour drive away from our campus 90min after the ceremony ends... do the math... and then add traffic...yeah...

That same student left their phone at home for the entire week while we were at another conference in another city that their mom and grandmother were flying out to from another state to meet-up and spend time with the student for the week.  One would think that you would want your phone so you could communicate with your mom and grandmother who were flying out...but hey, that's just me.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Passive-aggressive academia

In August I told one of my five guidance committee members that my advisor and I had already selected my dissertation committee over the summer...that committee member (let's call this one passive-agressive ass, PAA for short) seemed disappointed and said in the most Eeyore-esque voice possible, "oh I guess I'm not on it."

Today I had to drop off a gift for PAA's son that an exchange student left and asked me to deliver.  PAA wasn't in the office but was on campus so I left the gift on PAA's desk.  Later on I received a very awkward and passive-agressive e-mail from PAA

"Thank you, you shouldn't have!  A helicopter?  You're so generous
- I mean I thought you kicked me off your committee, and yet you still
buy me [my] dream toy?..."


Sunday, November 11, 2012


I started re-watching Get Smart from the beginning.  I bought the box set a few years ago and have never made it all the way through.  My goal is to finish all five season by Christmas!  It's good to have goals! (^_-)-☆

Saturday, November 10, 2012


I finally played Okami on the Wii.  Was not expecting that much text in the game!  But overall it's a fun game, good for causal gamers like me. 

Friday, November 9, 2012

Bond. James Bond.

I watched the new Bond movie, Skyfall, today. It was the best Daniel Craig Bond movie so far, that's saying quite a bit considering how good Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace were.

The only thing I didn't like was how one of the agents became the new Moneypenny. Of course they have the female field operative changing her mind and taking the lower position as a secretary. Yes, Moneypenny and Bond need that sexual tension; but why did the female field operative have to settle for the lower position that she's over qualified for? Why couldn't someone who has already intending to be M's secretary be Moneypenny?

That's my only beef with it.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Check please!

I gave my dissertation proposal defense today, check!  Only one more meeting left!  I'm so exhausted, can't remember the last time I was this tired.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


I love how Garth is the new Bobby now!  I can imagine Bobby getting his start in a similar way.  I really like Garth's character, I think this will put him in the show more often.  Also...CASS IS BACK NEXT WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Four more years!!!!!

Obama wins!!  In the immortal words of Homer J. Simpson:

And, I just love this one...outdated now, but still funny :)

Monday, November 5, 2012

The Walking Dead 3.4

This post is about the AMC show The Walking Dead.  If you have not seen up to season 3 episode 4 this post will contain spoilers.

Sunday, November 4, 2012


Woohoo, I made it 100 posts!!!!!!!!!  In honor of this achievement, I have collected links about the number one-hundred!  Be warned the links are random and K-pop song does get stuck in one's head easily.

First off, a Wikipedia entry about the number 100:

Saturday, November 3, 2012

The Giving Tree

I was thinking about the giving tree, and other Shel Silverstein books and poems.  I went to Wikipedia to see what it said about the themes of The Giving Tree and two Missing Piece books; here's what Wikipedia says about the theme of the The Giving Tree:

Friday, November 2, 2012

Old Possum!

I came across a really friendly cat outside of a restaurant tonight, that got me thinking about T.S. Eliot's collection of cat poems, Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats.  So here is the first poem from Eliot's little-known upbeat work and a link to the rest

The Naming of Cats

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Fun Fun Times!!

I went to a free wine tasting/wine match making with a couple friends today. I can't remember the last time I had that much fun! Before the event, we filled out an online survey about our wine preferences. At the event, everyone got four free glasses of wine, but towards the end of the wine tasting portion they were just giving out wine. They also had hor d'orves, a DJ, and a free random book about relationships and the author signing the book. After the wine tasting portion the DJ continued to spin and there a love saxophonist and room to dance. And all of this was for free!!!!! Granted they wanted to get their label out, but I had an amazing time for free! I think what helped is that everyone was a working professional, not immature undergrads; they were all closer to my age and place in life. I wish I could find events like this all the time :( c'est la vie.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween

I finally started working on revisions to the manuscript that LADF sent to me a couple weeks ago.  Wow!  It. Is. A. Mess.  None of the paragraphs support the first paragraph, it's like reading a schizophrenic paper.  The intro is six pages of crap.  I need to re-write the whole thing and find new articles.  I hate finding new articles!  It's the worst!  It's so time consuming!  Ugghhh  Then I'll probably have to modify the methods and results a bit.  And I'll have to re-write the discussion too.  I couldn't get that far because the intro was so awful.  Now I understand what my advisor wanted from my papers all this time.

And just because it's Halloween:

And with the original animation:

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Traveling, even in the same time-zone, always throws off my circadian rhythm and eating habits.  It didn't help that I had to hear drunken Halloween revelers returning from the bars and clubs until 4 AM. Anyway, I've been feeling low on energy and just not myself in general, I know that part of that is due to being really stressed in the weeks leading up to the conference and partly due to not sleeping enough.  But I feel a great deal of it has to do with not eating right in the days leading up to and the days of the conference.  To remedy that, I decided to not go to campus today and just work from home.  Additionally, I'm going to put together a meal plan for this week and next, sticking to my 18+ vegan meals a week.  I need to really find some recipes that are cheap and can be made in bulk and frozen.  If I find any good links I'll post them here.

Monday, October 29, 2012


I'm getting kind of bored with Revolution.  I feel like the most interesting parts of the show are when they do the flashbacks to how life was weeks and months after the blackout.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Stupid websites

So my flight was canceled due to weather.  I went online to rebook, like the e-mail told me...only I couldn't...over and over again.  So I called the reservations number, "We are experiencing high call volume due to Hurricane Sandy, please visit our website or call back at another time."  I finally managed to get to a human and rebooked my flight, after trying to call all day and being on hold for more than 40min.  Sometimes I wish a modified version of Mr. Garrison's entity was real, MODIFIED.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Hostel people

I'm out of town for a conference and I'm staying at a hostel, four of us in  a room, private bath and toilet for the four of us.  I got back to the room at 10:30pm and everyone was already asleep!  One of them went to bed at 8pm, I was in the room at that time, then left to get a bite to eat.

Friday, October 26, 2012


Woo!  In two days I finished revisions on four chapter, gave a presentation, sent everything to my advisor, watched all of my Tuesday and Wednesday shows that I missed, paid my bills, called my credit card about a suspicious charge, packed, and took a 2 hour nap!  I'm exhausted!  I've been running around like crazy the past few days that now that I don't have anything to do (well there is that manuscript that needs revising, but I need a break too!!) I'm so antsy and wired.  I can't sit still for more than a couple min and my mind is still racing.  It's weird to all of a sudden not have anything to do when you've been so stressed for so long.  I think I might get me some ice cream!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Did Rip Van Winkle really have it so bad??

Sooo, tired.. Spent half the day recovering from the last couple of weeks.  Still have revisions.  Joy.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Isn't it Thanksgiving yet?

Still freaking out over everything I need to do this week.  Luckily though, I don't have to re-do my analysis for one of the chapters until after my pre-defense :)  But, I still need to revise 2.5 more chapters this week. advisor wants to see the latest revisions before I send them to my committee members...they are supposed to go to my committee members by tomorrow...and my advisor won't get back to me by I have a presentation this weekend, so I won't even have time to work on them.  Awesome!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


I woke up today thinking it was Friday and my week was practically over, then I realized it was only Tuesday and my week had only just begun.....

Monday, October 22, 2012

Run away! Run away!

I've got so much to do this week, I don't even know where to begin.  I feel like a deer caught in headlights.  I've got so much to do that my brain can't decide which task to tackle first and they pretty much all equally important and due around the same time.  Those of you contemplating grad school, DON'T DO IT!!  RUN AWAY, RUN AWAY!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Australian for...

I went to a German restaurant tonight, which had exotic meat sausages and I had kangaroo meat.  It was the best tasting meet in the world!!  So tender and smooth, if that makes sense.  It went down like good vodka *slaps fist on table*!  

Saturday, October 20, 2012

The Zombie Apocalypse is upon us

No, I am not talking about tomorrow night's new episode of the Walking Dead.  I went to a restaurant tonight to celebrate a friend's accomplishment.  There were only four of us at the dinner.  One of the people there, who is 34 years old, was on the cellphone the whole time!  I'm not say s/he was talking on the phone, but rather they were playing games on the phone when not eating.  This particular person does that all the time, even did it earlier that day at lunch.  Extremely rude and knows it.  But just to be even ruder s/he had the volume of the game up loud while the rest of us were talking.  Friends have told this person that their behavior is rude and age inappropriate but s/he doesn't care.  I used be able to tolerate his/her other idiosyncrasies but lately they just seem to be getting worse and I'm just not as tolerant.  We used to be better friends, but because of this behavior I don't want to be considered friends with someone so immature and anti-social.  I'm even considering not inviting him/her to group functions with mutual friends.  I'm not saying that my phone isn't important to me, but so are my friends.  And it's one thing to take a quick and important 1 min phone call or quickly read or reply to one text and quite another to be playing a game throughout dinner when you're out with friends.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Don't try this at home, kids!

I went to the shotgun range again (my second time using a firearm).  It was a lot of fun!  Too bad it's too expensive of a hobby to have without Groupons.  I'll be going there again this year since I have another deal for the rifle range.  I've never used a rifle before, I'm a little apprehensive about it.  There was someone there today shooting with a double barrel shotgun and he was all dressed in hunting gear, just like Elmer Fudd (side note: YouTube does not have even one good clip of Elemer Fudd saying be wery wery quite, I'm hunting wabbits).  The handle of the gun was really nice, it was engraved metal.

Thursday, October 18, 2012


I woke up this morning with an e-mail from a professor who is a co-author on a manuscript, let's call this one lazy ass dumb fuck (LADF for short).  Quick timeline for background:

January 2012: I sent a manuscript to LADF per their request, for LADF to make changes to the document
May 2012: LADF gives me revisions
1 week laster: I sent manuscript back to LADF
August 2012: LADF gives me revisions
1 day later: I send LADF revisions
October 2012: LADF gives me revisions, I send document to advisor, per advisor's request
1 day later: LADF asks me to run asinine analysis
1 day later: I send analysis to LADF

About two weeks later (which was yesterday) my advisor gives me revisions on LADF's latest draft and says it was worse than it was before, it's a jumble, and I should rework the intro and "turn it around in a couple days".  Today, LADF asks me to re-do analysis using another wave of data just for shits and giggles...oh and uh, can I recheck values on another manuscript too, while I'm at it.  I was like,


I just now finally got a little bit of time to work on my dissertation revisions, that my advisor finally gave me, before having to work on another presentation for a conference and flying to a conference the next and then having my proposal meeting a week after!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Grad school deadlines

Woohoo!!  One of three dinners for this weekend got rescheduled!  And my poster is finished and sent to the printers!  And I'm almost done with revisions to one chapter!  So I only have revisions to three more chapter, re-do analysis for one of them, revisions to a manuscript (needed within the next two days, according to my advisor), and changes to my presentation (need to be done by next Wednesday)... yippee (@_@)

On the plus side, I spoke with a couple other students in the department, one was in my cohort, the other was a cohort ahead.  I'm farther along on my dissertation than both of them!  (^v^)

Oh yeah, and...NEW SUPERNATURAL TONIGHT!!!!!!  I'm still on used it being on Wednesday nights.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Public transportation observations

Using public transportation does save money and gas and is less frustrating but it sure does make it difficult to transport your usual (laptop, lunch, and water) and 6 bottles of drinks for a department party.

Monday, October 15, 2012


I have so much to do in the next four weeks (@_@)  I have four dinners this week (not sure how that happened), I have to go over my poster and presentation for two upcoming conferences with my advisor, finish the revisions on four dissertations chapter, one of which includes re-doing my analysis.  Next week I have two presentations and one conference, week after that I have my certification classes and my pre-defense, week after that I have another presentation at another conference.

I'm officially starting to freak out about getting everything done.  But I'm in that initial stage of freaking out where I'm just in denial about the monumental task ahead of me.  I've also overdosed on homemade stovetop popcorn, which is affecting my judgment and motivation.  I think I might have used too much olive oil.  Ok, brain not working anymore.  Blog done.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Walking Dead Season 3 Episode 1

This post is about the AMC show The Walking Dead.  If you have not seen up to season 3 episode 1 this post will contain spoilers.

Tonight was the Walking Dead Season 3 premiere.  The gang finally made it to the prison.  There was a time jump between seasons 2 and 3, from the looks of Lori's belly, I'd say it was a four or five month time jump.  I think when season 2 ended Lori was 3 months pregnant and she looks about 7 or 8 months pregnant now.  Though they said she would give birth soon, so maybe even more.

Hershel gets bitten by a walker and Rick has to hack off his leg to prevent the disease from spreading, he is the only doctor around to help with the delivery after all.  And the gang finds humans in the prison!  That out to make next week's episode interesting!  Andrea spent the winter with Michonne and her zombie pets.  It seems like those two have gotten close.

I think in this episode we saw elements of old Rick, but he has definitely changed from the seasons 1 and 2, especially in his behavior towards Lori.

It was interesting to see Carl, Maggie, Carol, Beth, and Lori more involved in the zombie action.  Though maybe Lori not as much, Lori has always been one of the tougher female characters.  Carol, inarguably the weakest female character of the past two seasons, started to come out of her submissive battered wife shell in late season 2, after finding Sophia as a walker.  Now, Carol is picking off walkers like a seasoned pro.  Carl too, has definitely lost his innocence, Beth is almost there.

Seasons 1 and 2 were definitely about innocence, both in the adults and the children.  Their innocence was lost when their haven, Hershel's farm, was over run with migrating walkers, (what was up with the chopper, will we find out soon?) and the group was separated and reconnected (minus Andrea and Hershel's people).  And, just to put the last nail in the coffin of their innocence, in the last scene of season 2, Rick admits to killing his best friend, Shane, for the good of the group and snarls, "If you're staying, this isn't a democracy anymore".

Season 3 looks like it will be all about them accepting this is their life and there is no cure and no hope for the world and they better just adapt as quickly as possible.  Even the opening scene of season 3 throws the audience into this new loss of innocence, with little Carl busting through doors, clearing corners, and taking out a walker in the kitchen without batting an eye.  And how does Lori feel about her young son becoming a seasoned walker killer?  In season 2, Lori was opposed to the idea of Carl even taking shooting lessons from Shane, now it seems Lori, and the others, has accepted the inevitability of their new existence.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Around the Corner

Today I called or wrote six friends, whom I hadn't chatted with in a while!  I mean to call or write my friends but then things come up and I don't.  Then a lot of time passes and I think the conversation will end up taking longer because we have that much more to catch up about and I don't have time to chat for an hour or what if they're busy or out and I'm bothering them.  Today I realized they don't want to be on the phone for very long either, so it'll be ok!

I wrote three friends and set up times to meet up with the two who live in my city, the third lives in another country. Then I called three others; one, who lives in another country didn't pick up. I talked with two of them and set up a time to meet one tomorrow, the other lives in another state.  We kept getting disconnected because he's in the middle of nowhere at the moment. We got caught up on the basics and made plans to talk again when he returns to civilization in a few weeks.  I still have three more on my list, two are in other states and I need to set up a time to meet with the third.

Calling those friends in succession reminded me of when Homer was calling everyone in his family to prove to Lisa that not all the Simpsons are loser and he asked Marge, "Margeget me your address book, four beers, and my conversation hat".  Unfortunately, I can't find a YouTube video of it :(

I'm really happy that I finally just took the plunge and contacted my friends, and it didn't take up too much of my time! Every time I read the poem Around the Corner by Charles Hanson Towne I think of all my friends I want to remain in contact with but don't because of school or distance.  I guess part of the reason why I don't feel the pressing need to regularly keep in touch with friends is because I've had friends that I was separated from for years without contact and we met up again by chance, we pretty much just picked up where we left off.  Hell, I'm even dating one such case, that's why I like the picture below, I think it totally applies to me.  I have the type of personality where I just feel comfortable with my friends after long separations and I understand that people have different layers of friendships and different types of friends, not every friend has to be your attached-at-the-hips bff.  I mean, we are adults after all, friendships are built on more than who have homeroom with.  Never the less, I'm trying to change my behavior and stay in contact with my friends more regularly. It's one of my resolutions for the month and for life, contact at least one old friend a weekend.  I'll let you know how my resolution goes.

Around the corner I have a friend,
In this great city that has no end,
Yet the days go by and weeks rush on,
And before I know it, a year is gone.

And I never see my old friends face,
For life is a swift and terrible race,
He knows I like him just as well,
As in the days when I rang his bell.

And he rang mine but we were younger then,
And now we are busy, tired men.
Tired of playing a foolish game,
Tired of trying to make a name.

"Tomorrow" I say! "I will call on Jim
Just to show that I'm thinking of him",
But tomorrow comes and tomorrow goes,
And distance between us grows and grows.

Around the corner, yet miles away,
"Here's a telegram sir," "Jim died today."
And that's what we get and deserve in the end.
Around the corner, a vanished friend.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Onward and upward!

I decided to finally start pursuing my dream of owning my own business.  The academic's life is not the life for me, and I don't really have the type of personality to tolerate working for someone else for the rest of my life.  I signed up for my certification class and exam.  I'll be done with that part of the process by this time next month.  The classes start next month and the exam is a week later!  Hopefully the state will finish processing my license by January or February.  On my way to a conference next month, I might also spot by and take a look at a potential business to buy!  If it's still available. :)

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Jogging, not Red Bull, gives you wings!

After nursing an Achilles tendon injury for four and a half, which caused me to have to put my jogging and a lot of other exercises on hiatus, I was finally able to start jogging again today!  I had forgotten how much my body loves jogging, it immediately put me into a better mood and energized and relaxed me after a long week at work.  Even though I got supportive feedback from my advisor today regarding my dissertation and am in the process my scheduling my pre-defense, I still felt kind of meh, sluggish, tired, and unfocused today.  Now, I'm razor sharp and ready to climb a mountain!  Wait, aren't I already climbing a mountain everyday??

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

2012-2013 TV season

I'm going crazy trying to keep track of the all the shows I'm interested so I made list of the shows, time, channel, and time conflicts with other shows.  Not watching all of them every week.  It helps that the cable shows have shorter seasons and are staggered.  Not sure if I'll continue watching Revolution or 666 Park Avenue.  How did Tuesdays and Wednesdays get so crazy?? 

Gossip Girl 9/CW
Revolution 10/NBC

Hart of Dixie 8/CW, Ben & Kate 8:30/FOX
New Girl 9/FOX, Go On 9/NBC, Happy Endings 9/ABC
The New Normal 9:30/NBC, Don't Trust the B in Apt 23 9:30/ABC

Arrow 8/CW, The Neighbors 8:30/ABC
Supernatural 9/CW, Modern Family 9/ABC, Suburgatory 9:30/ABC, Psych 9/USA (Feb 2013)

Vampire Diaries 8/CW
Burn Notice 9/USA, Office 9/NBC

Nikita 9/CW, Grimm 9/NBC

Walking Dead 6/AMC
Once Upon a Time 8/ABC
666 Park Avenue 10/ABC (decided to stop watching this, I think it will end up being a Lost type of show, where every answer leads to more questions just to string you along and not for the sake of the story)