Friday, September 20, 2013

Fall 2013 TV Schedule

This is getting out of hand!  I had to make an Excel spreadsheet for all my shows!  I was looking back at my early posts on my TV schedule and I used to only watch CW shows and now look what it has become!!!!!!  Breaking Bad will end in two episodes as will this season of Hell on Wheels, so those days will get a little better.  Not sure if I'll watch Lost Girl, I still need to watch season 3.  I think I'll watch the following shows on Hulu: Once Upon a Time, New Girl, and Once Upon a Time-Wonerland.  Nice, not a lot of overlap this year!  It really helped that quite a few shows ended or were cancelled: Gossip Girl, The Office, Don't Trust the B-- in Apt 23, Happy Endings, Whitney, The New Normal, Go On, Spartacus, Burn Notice, Breaking Bad, Ben and Kate.

Here's the schedule:

Title Network Start date Day Start time End time
Once Upon a Time ABC 29-Sep Sun 20:00 21:00
Simpsons Fox 29-Sep Sun 20:00 20:30
Bob's Burgers Fox 29-Sep Sun 20:30 21:00
Breaking Bad AMC Sun 21:00 22:00
Walking Dead AMC 13-Oct Sun 21:00 22:00
Hart of Dixie CW 7-Oct Mon 20:00 21:00
Lost Girl Syfi 10-Nov Mon 22:00 23:00
Agents of SHIELD ABC 24-Sep Tue 20:00 21:00
Originals CW 3-Oct Tue 20:00 21:00
New Girl Fox 17-Sep Tue 21:00 21:30
Supernatural CW 8-Oct Tue 21:00 22:00
Arrow CW 9-Oct Wed 20:00 21:00
Modern Family ABC 25-Sep Wed 21:00 21:30
Once Upon a Time: Wonderland ABC 10-Oct Thu 20:00 21:00
Vampire Diaries CW 3-Oct Thu 20:00 21:00
Legend of Korra Nick 13-Sep Fri 19:00 19:30
Neighbors ABC 20-Sep Fri 20:30 21:00
Grimm NBC 25-Oct Fri 21:00 22:00
Hell on Wheels AMC Sat 21:00 22:00
Americans FX
Archer FX
Nikita CW Mid Season
Psych USA Mid Season
Subergatory ABC Mid Season

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