Sunday, September 15, 2013

Breaking Bad: Ozymandias

Spoiler Breaking Bad Ozymandias

So, Todd's uncle's gang kills Gomey and Hank, despite Walt's protests about Hank.  In anger, Walt hands Jesse over to Todd and his uncle's gang to be tortured and turned to slave labor to improve the purity of their cook; he works and they won't kill that chick he met in NA and her son, boy Walt poisoned.  Marie tells Skyler Hank's got Walt and Skylar tells Jr. everything.  Skylar and Jr. go home to find Walt there and NOT in custody, to everyone's surprise.  Skylar figures out Hank is dead, wrongly rhinks Walt killed him (he did indirectly), domestic violence ensues, Jr. calls the police, Walt runs out with the baby, then leaves her in a fire station with a note.
So I'm gonna do this part in list form:

  1. Why would Jesse talk when they said they would kill him after Jesse tells them who and what he told about their operation.
  2. I was wondering about the whole, Jesse was trained by and pretty much as good as Heizenberg so maybe we should bring him on the team and improve the purity of our cook...and they addressed that by making him slave labor...
  3. I feel soooooo bad for Jesse.  I hope he somehow gets out of this.  If anyone deserves a happy ending in this fucked up story, it's Jesse.
  4. Did Walt know the police were listening in on his call?  Was he trying to tell them Skylar knew everything?  Was he trying to say she was a victim and he was guilty?

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