Sunday, September 22, 2013

Breaking Bad: Granite State

Spoiler Breaking Bad: Granite State

Skyler is in deep water with the feds, Hank is in New Hampshire, Sal is in Nebraska (I'm assuming since that's where he was supposed to be at the end of last week's episode), after a failed escape attempt, Jesse is still a slave, Andrea is dead., and Heisenberg is back.

List time again:
  1. Todd is a little shit and got into this whole empire goon business real quick.  Threatening to kill baby Holly to protect Lydia, who only acknowledges his existence because of business, and, even then, just barely...despicable!
  2. Heisenberg was back, then not; he chickened out after becoming resolute to leave the New Hampshire cabin to get his money back from Todd, then back again by the end of the episode.
  3. I was so very hopeful for Jesse!  Just kill yourself, Jesse, or use red phosphorus to kill Todd and his Uncle's gang like Walt did in season 1.  Or use mercury fulminite like Walt did on Tuco's office in season 1.
  4. Now that Andrea is dead why would Jesse continue working for them.  For Brock?  The kids mother is dead.
  5. Nice bit of humanity they injected into Walt with the New Hampshire cabin in the woods scenes.
Favorite quote:
Walt to Sal: Remember what I told?  It's not over until I *coughing up a lung and collapsing on the cot*
Sal: It's over.
LOL!  Oh Walt, you started that so bad ass but then your cancer got the better of you.

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