Thursday, November 21, 2013

So, it's been a month since I defended and submitted my paperwork to my university and I feel great!!!  My stress levels have dropped tremendously!  My mood has improved, my habits have become healthier, I feel less rushed and harried.  I've even finished reading a book and started and finished another!!!  I can fully enjoy my weekends and after work hours :)

Buuuttt... I still sometimes get this anxious knot in my stomach that has become all too familiar over these past few years.  I'm calling it grad school PTSD.  Because that's what it is really.  More than five years of massive egos, games, a psycho, controlling, micromanaging, manipulative advisor who, up until a month ago, was the barrier between me and my goals, who wouldn't have phantom grad-limb stress after all that!  And then there's the very real stress of look for and applying to jobs.  But, hey I'll take this stress over grad school stress any day!

So, what have I been up to this past?  Well I have continued with my internship, and it looks like there will be a position opening up soon that they want me to apply to :) still not putting all my eggs in one basket though, but it does help relieve the stress some.  I finished my month of being raw vegan but I'll write a separate post on that.  I have stuck with my exercise routine, I'm building myself back up to jogging for 5k straight, I run a 12 minute mile, so for that's around 36 minute.  So far I have built up to jogging for 15 min, walking 2 min, and jogging another 3.5 min for a total of 18.5 of jogging :)  I particularly pleased when I think that during the summer on a good day I would jog for 5 min straight once, but now, on a bad day (when I'm tired, sore, or haven't had enough water during the day) I jog for 5 min straight and another 2 min :)  I have been focusing on building healthier eating habits (related to the raw vegan month I did).  I've been reading a lot more, I started and finished a book in less than a month...for me, that's big!  I'm a slow reader and while in grad school I didn't feel like coming home and reading a book for fun so I really hadn't read anything for fun in quite some time.  I quite like it!  I have a whole list of books to read, I'll busy for quite some time.  I'm hoping to read even more once I have a job and don't have to spend time after my internship searching for one.  I have been watching my TV shows (this Fall is a doozy!), and I have been seeing more of my friends :)  I have also been doing some digital house keeping stuff and going through my e-mail accounts, particularly my campus account, and deleting or saving e-mails since my account will expire a few months after graduation.  I've been organizing my pictures and other digital files on my computer, scanning lose papers and reducing the amount of paper I keep.

So, I've been keeping busy, but I've been doing normal human things and not crazy academic things.  And every once in a while I have to pinch myself and remind myself that this isn't the dream :)

Thursday, October 17, 2013

That's all folks!

 I'M A DOCTOR!!!!!!!!!!  IT'S OVER!!!!!!  The power hungry control freak egotistical assholes are out of my life!!!!!!!  Woohoo!!!

Now that I'm done, this blog has served most of it's purpose, which was to give me an outlet during my ABD process, also to get me into the habit of writing, anything, daily.  While I won't be deactivating the blog, I definitely won't be writing in it daily like I have been leading up to the defense.

Oh, and speaking of the defense, it went smoothly.  No questions, just a few suggestions for expanding certain sections.  It's over!!!!  And I'm so excited to have time to do everything I love again :D :D :D  I'm also really excited to not have to constantly worry about a dissertation or about psycho people keeping me from my goals and what I deserve and have worked hard to achieve.  I'll have to dust off that list of things I want to do after the defense :) Looking forward to it!

Dr. Blogging PhDoc

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Tomorrow People

I'm really liking The Tomorrow People!  Good stories, good characters, and a villain that's actually smart and competent!!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Salad Dressing

I made a new salad dressing today: tahini, soy sauce, and yellow mustard.  Mix proportions to your liking.  Pretty tasty!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Columbus Day

Happy Columbus Day!!!  I understand why people have issue with Columbus Day, I mean there were people already here, he didn't discover a new land.  BUT, he did take on a risk journey to find a shortcut to another land at a time when people thought he'd fall of the Earth if he embarked on his journey.  So for that, I feel he deserves recognition.  For his bravery, not for his discovery.  Although, his journey did yield a new discovery for the "Old World".

Sunday, October 13, 2013

October Horror Fest!!!!!

I've been watching horror every weekend this month, I would watch one a day if I had the time...but I don't :(

Saturday, October 12, 2013


Almond milk in a smoothie just doesn't taste as good as coconut milk in a smoothie.  I need to buy more coconut milk.